KENT PUBLIC SCHOOL Make a Difference With Education Sat, 18 Apr 2020 14:18:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 KENT PUBLIC SCHOOL 32 32 CORONAVIRUS: What we are doing to prioritize your health Tue, 29 Jan 2019 18:34:25 +0000 Social Distancing And Sanitation Protocol (additional measures)

– shortened operating hours for families-this provides an hour of cleaning/disinfecting in the morning before opening, as well as 30 minutes  of cleaning/disinfecting in the evening after closure.

– daily cleaning and disinfecting sign-off/checklists

– asking all individuals to wash their hands upon entering a room.

– teachers are doing daily health checks of children to ensure they are healthy upon being dropped off.

– asking each family to choose two authorized adults to be designated for drop offs and pick ups. asking only one parent to enter the facility at these times.

– no more than 10 children to a room.

– no volunteers are allowed at the center at this time.

– deliveries are to be left at the door.

– temperature readings are available in the lobby upon entrance.

– virtual tours via zoom

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